# SSH into my nodl

Applies to:

nodl OG, nodl One (black, etched logo) and nodl Dojo (red, etched logo)

To SSH into your nodl. This step depends on the model of your device.

For nodl OG, use:

ssh root@nodl.local to SSH as root and ssh rock@nodl.local -p 22222 to SSH as rock

For nodl One and Dojo, use:

ssh root@nodl-name.local to SSH as root and ssh rock@nodl-name.local -p 22222 to SSH as rock

(replace "nodl-name" by your nodl's unique name)

If this is your first time connecting through ssh, you will be prompted to verify the ssh host key. Simply answer yes.

The password is nodl1234 for nodl OG (if you haven't changed it). For other devices, it's in the paper you received with your device.

Windows users can use PowerShell or putty (get it from the official download page (opens new window)).

MacOS users can use Terminal which comes preinstalled with the OS.